Milad Doueihi holds the Digital Research Chair at the Paris-Sorbonne University and the Laval University in Quebec, and has been interested for many years in the evolution of society in line with digital technology. Originally a religious historian, he describes himself as “a digital researcher by accident, a humble computer user who has monitored the changes in the digital landscape over the course of the last 20 years”. He perceives the rise of digital technology in society to be a conversion akin to that of a religion.

The author of 2009’s La Grande Conversion numérique, in 2011 he pubished Pour un humanisme numérique where he looked into how our relationship with the world is changing due to digital technologies. He built upon the theory of Claude Lévi-Strauss, who identified three phases in the development of humanism in the western world: Doueihi thus presaged the emergence of a fourth, digital humanism.