Socially-engaged writer Alain Damasio is one of France’s most well-known science fiction authors. A strong believer in the power of science fiction to comment upon and change our world, his 2006 work La Horde du Contrevent was a considerable public and critical success, awarded the Imaginaire Prize for speculative fiction. Passionate about exploring politics through science fiction, and defining our role as humans in a world saturated by technology, Alain Damasio is also a video game script writer and part-time musician and sound engineer. His last project, Fragments hackés d’un futur qui résiste, was an audio science fiction work written for radio. A veritable sonic journey set in a realistic urban environment in the year 2034, it received the SGDL Prize for radio fiction in 2015. He is a member of the Zanzibar Collective, alongside David Calvo, Catherine Dufour, Norbert Merjagnan and other companions.

Bibliography :
La Horde du Contrevent, Gallimard, 2007
La Zone du Dehors, Gallimard, 2009
Aucun souvenir assez solide, Gallimard, 2004
El Levir, Organic editions, 2009
La Horde du Contrevent - La Zone du Dehors, Gallimard, 2012
So phare away et autres nouvelles, Gallimard, 2015
Engagés ! : Pour résister au vieux monde !, L'atalante, 2007
Faites demi-tour dès que possible: les territoires de l'imaginaire, La Volte, 2014 (ouvrage collectif)
Novak et son Ai-phone, 01Net, 2014
Une autre mondialisation en mouvement ?, Mango, 2002