European Lab Forum
This is a forum for both professionals and the public with everybody who contributes to tomorrow’s culture.
In today’s Europe, tempted national decline, conservatism and populism, the European Lab involves new generations of European cultural stakeholders defending their critical independence from politics, finance, religion and institutions.
The digital revolution of the creative industries, the economy and the independence of creation, cultural entrepreneurship and new media are at the heart of our main ideas focusing on the emergence, innovation and evolution of public policy within the European Union.
European Lab Forum 2015 will surround all cultural fields (new images, media, Internet, publishing, music etc.) that are dealing with major economic, technological and democratic issues affecting their future, our future, the future of European culture in the 21st century.
With the new generations of European cultural activists and the public, the forum question and considers the future of culture in this time of crisis and change facing our society.
The European Lab takes place at the same time and place as the Nuits Sonores festival in Lyon, allowing professionals and the public to combine networking and the arts.

The 5th edition of European Lab Forum will take place from may 13 to 15, 2015 in Lyon, France