Sandra Guigonis works in digital humanities, as she is in charge of the « review » division for OpenEdition. She also contributes actively to the Framasoft organization, that is responsible for the project « Degooglisons Internet ». She is interested in culture, technology & politics.

Dégooglisons Internet
"Degooglisons Internet"aims at fighting actively for an open web, that respects internet users up against the growing concentration of actors on the internet. This centralization is harmful, not only because it holds back innovation, but mostly because it causes a loss of liberty for internet users. The users for the services offered by multinationals don’t control their digital life now: their behaviors are dissected constantly, as to be better targeted by publicity and their data - supposedly private (websites visited, e-mails exchanged, videos watched, etc.) that can be analyzed by governmental websites.
The answer that Framasoft wants to bring to this issue is simple : to promote, for every user of these services that hinder our freedom, an free, ethical, decentralized and solidary alternative.